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Attendance is one of the most significant factors affecting student achievement in school. LKJH expects students to be in class, prepared and on time each day.


  1. When a student is absent from school, the parent must officially request that the school excuse the absence by means of a note or phone call. This must be done within 10 days of the absence or it will be left as unexcused.

  2. It is the responsibility of the student to get make-up work from their teachers if they are absent.

  3. Parents, please do not check students out for anything but emergencies and important family circumstances.

  4. After evaluating the impact a student’s attendance has on their learning or growth, school administration reserves the right to determine if a student’s absence is excused or unexcused.

  5. School secretaries may verify student absences daily.

  6. Major illness or other medical issues (when approved by a doctor note), count as an excused absence.

  7. Parents and students will be notified if there are excessive absences. These letters are to inform parents of the negative impact attendance has on learning and growth. If attendance does not improve following these letters, it can lead to truancy school, juvenile court, or a district hearing.


  1. A student is tardy if he or she is not in the classroom when the tardy bell rings and the teacher closes the door.

  2. When the bell rings all teachers will close their doors. Any student who is late will report to the think tank in Room 122 or the office if that room is closed.

  3. A student who arrives more than 15 minutes late is marked (V) which is considered a truancy by LKJH. Any student, after receiving a tardy slip, who does not return to class immediately, will also be considered truant.


(not per class, this is the overall tardies for all classes per quarter)

1st Tardy

Student receives a warning. Student will read the policy and sign it indicating they understand what is expected.

2nd Tardy

Student receives a second warning. Student will re-read the policy. Student calls home to tell parents they were tardy.

3rd Tardy

Parents notified. Parent will need to sign a contract. If not returned within three (3) days of being tardy, students will serve a lunch detention.

4-6th Tardy

Parent and student will be notified and student will serve (1) 30 minute lunch detention* for each tardy. During this time, the student must complete assignments for each tardy.

7th Tardy

Parents will be notified by administration. Student will be required to clean the school after hours (two 30-minute sessions) and complete an assignment online for this tardy.

8th Tardy

Parents will be notified by administration. Student will be required to have three (30 minute) after-school detentions.

9th Tardy

Parents and students will be notified, and the student will spend a full day in in-school suspension for excessive tardiness.

10th Tardy

Parents and students will be notified, and the student will receive a daily tracker to be escorted to class.

Any additional tardies past ten will result in school cleanup, suspension, additional loss of privileges, change of school, or other.


  1. If a student does not attend a class without prior adult permission, that student is considered truant.

  2. A student deemed to be truant by the school administration may not be excused by the parent.

  3. A student that is truant may not expect to make up assignments, tests, etc. unless the teacher permits it.


  1. On the first truancy, the administration will call the parent.  Time missed will be made up in after school detention.

  2. On the second truancy, the administration will meet with parents and students to sign an attendance contract. The student will be assigned in-school suspension or after school detention to be determined by the administration.

  3. On the third truancy and beyond the student will be assigned to in-school suspension.

  4. Any continued truancy may result in further consequences such as referral to truancy court, a district hearing, or the removal from the school.


You may not leave campus anytime unless you have been checked out by a parent or guardian in advance. This permission must be done through the front office staff, by having a parent or guardian come into the school to check you out. Failure to follow this rule would be considered truancy.

Students who live close enough to eat lunch at home and return in time for their next class may apply for a “Home Lunch Permit.” This permit is available in the office, must be signed by the student’s parent/guardian, and is valid only for that specific student. Students are not allowed to bring friends to their home for lunch. Failure to follow this policy will result in the student without permission being truant.


  1. We are very concerned about the safety of your student so only parents, guardians, or a Skyward listed emergency contact are authorized to check a student out of school. The person checking the student out will need to personally sign for them at the school’s attendance office after presenting proper identification. A signed note or phone call is not acceptable as there is no way to verify the writer or caller as someone authorized to check out the student.

  1. A student may not leave campus grounds, return and then get the absence excused after the fact.

  1. A student leaving campus without properly checking out is considered truant.


Adult visitors to the school must first check in at the front office and wear a visitor pass. Student visitors are not allowed. Students from other schools, who are loitering, will face a misdemeanor charge of trespassing from the police.