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The 2024-25 PTSA Executive Board

Rebecca Francis, President
Christie Norris, President-Elect
Angela Draper, Treasurer
Sharlee Largey, Secretary

Parent Teacher Student Association

When you become a member you help to enrich the educational experience of our students and support the Lakeridge Junior High School community. We assist the school with various needs and run a number of programs throughout the year that focus on character development, arts programs, and community involvement. The programs are:

  • Back-to-School Night – Meet the teachers then visit the PTSA booth to find out about upcoming PTSA activities and get involved.
  • Food Pantry – Our “Award Winning” pantry provides assistance to students in need.
  • Student PTSA – is a service and leadership group for students who want to get involved with school issues. They meet once a month.
  • Spirit Days – Every Friday is Spirit Day! Students are encouraged to wear school colors and clothing. There are treats for students showing their Leopard Pride.
  • Fundraising – To support PTSA activities and to contribute back to the school, the PTSA sponsors several fundraisers such as Food Trucks, Restaurant Nights and Spirit Wear sales.
  • Teacher Birthdays – We provide a small gift to teachers on their birthday.
  • Leopard Care Service Projects – Students participate in a quarterly lunchtime service project that benefits our community.
  • Student Led Conference Teacher Meals – A meal is provided for the teachers so they have more time to prepare for conferencing.
  • Red Ribbon Week – Red Ribbon Week is an alcohol, tobacco, and other drug prevention awareness campaign observed annually in October.
  • Reflections – A national awards program where students create and submit original works in the areas of dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography, and visual arts. Entries are due in October.
  • Spelling Bee – The Scripps Spelling Bee takes place near the end of January; signup in the Front Office.
  • White Ribbon Week – White Ribbon Week is a focus on Internet Safety and responsible use of Social Media. It is held in February.
  • Teacher Appreciation – To show gratitude to our teachers PTSA sponsors a week filled with appreciation activities and meals.
  • Field Day – A half-day full of fun activities towards the last week of school.
  • 9th Grade Recognition Night – PTSA helps the school recognize and congratulate the 9th Graders as they graduate from Lakeridge.

Support PTSA

Membership costs only $6 annually and can be paid through our givebacks store at


PTSA meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month at 12:00 noon in the counseling conference room.  All parents are invited to attend the meetings and help with our activities.